Three housing associations have won grants totalling more than £770,000 to put solar power in new housing and regeneration schemes.
The grants are part of the latest round of the DTI's £20m major photovoltaic demonstration programme.

The Peabody Trust has been awarded two grants: £322,000 to install photovoltaics on three refurbished blocks of flats on the Priors Estate in King's Cross, north London, and £65,500 to replace roof tiles with solar shingles on the nearby Pembury Estate.

Leicester Housing Association has been awarded £320,000 to include solar energy fittings after the refurbishment of the "six streets" project in the Braunstone area of Leicester.

Tai Cartrefi Cyf has been granted more than £60,000 to install photovoltaics in a new care home in Burry Port, Carmarthenshire.