The Engineering Industries Association (EIA) was formed to provide a network of advice and assistance to promote the engineering industry in the UK, Europe and global markets.

The organisation's website provides information about the Association and its services for members. There is also a directory of EIA members, which includes details of the products and services it provides, together with contact details. Free registration is required to access the directory.

The Combined Heat and Power Association website contains a wide range of information, including technical details, on this energy saving technology.

The site has copies of policy papers and includes the latest news. There is also a directory of companies offering combined heat and power related services, and information on national conferences and other events. The site is free to view

For an interesting view of building standards and testing procedures in the US try the Building and Fire Research Laboratory website.

It provides information on the laboratory itself and details of recent research projects. There is also a list of publications.

In addition, an information service provides access to a fire research bibliographic database, a list of international fire conferences, and related links. There is also a list of relevant publications available.