In my thirteen years working in recruitment for engineering, maintenance and facility management professionals, I have found the most common reasons why candidates fail at interview stage are:
  • they have no constructive questions or knowledge of the company
  • they have gone to the interview solely because the job is paying more money
  • they are in an interview for a position they are not suited to
  • they are unable to demonstrate their full potential
  • they are unable to answer technical questions
  • they are inappropriately dressed
  • they don't connect with the interviewer(s)
  • they show a lack of enthusiasm
  • they arrive late
  • they lack interview etiquette
  • they did not ask for the job
  • Someone better than them got the job.

So how can you turn that 'no' into a 'yes'?

1 Preparation, preparation, preparation! Finding out about the company impresses a future employer.
2 Think through why you want the job before going to the interview. Don't let money be your only reason. Your body language will give you away in an interview.
3 You may find yourself in an interview for a job that is clearly not for you. This can happen for two reasons: first, you have been heavily oversold by the agency to the client, second, your CV is not a fair representation of your capability. Get a copy of the job specification and the copy of your CV that has been sent to the client.
4 Leave home in plenty of time, eat sensibly one hour before the interview — and smile.
5 Dress so you look smart and professional. Get a haircut and remember to clean your shoes.
6 It is important you find common ground with the interviewer(s). Be friendly, smile and make complimentary comments about the company.
7 Conduct yourself appropriately and articulately. Pause before answering a question, give it thought, and if you still don't know, ask them to elaborate.
8 You must score as many points as possible. Every comment you make helps, and nodding in agreement.
9 Do ask whether you will be offered a position in the company. You'll stand out.
10 If you have read all my tips, applied them all and still not got the job, then CSG Technical must have sent someone who did! Good Luck.