Andy Taylor of Ramboll Whitbybird owns up to his sports site habit, but claims that’s not the only reason his laptop is always by his side

What is your favourite website/the site you couldn’t live without?

The BBC site is the one I visit most, to keep up with scores around the world. It’s not always possible to catch the news, so it is invaluable for staying in touch with the sports I’m interested in.

What is your favourite gadget?

It’s a tough call between my laptop and my iPod. The laptop is never far from my side, so that I can provide solutions to any queries from projects around the world as soon as possible (the Blackberry just isn’t flexible enough). But the iPod is never far away either.

What’s the most useful website you access for work?

A tough one. I use so many websites for market research, product research, legislation, etc, that I don’t think I could single out one. In reality, it’s probably our intranet.

What was the last track you downloaded?

I maintain that “Broken, Beaten and Scarred” by Metallica, which I downloaded for Guitar Hero on the Wii, was for my son. The title is not a reflection of how we engineers feel in the industry at the moment.

What was the subject of the last email you received?

Ramboll brand manual.

Social networking or face-to-face?

Face-to-face – the virtual life can be taken too far, and your “Friend” can’t buy you a Drink.

Who is your favourite blogger?

I have dipped into a few but there aren’t any I find necessary to review on a regular basis.

What’s the best link/video/viral you’ve been sent?

The Darwin Awards email that circulates regularly never ceases to amaze me.

The last thing you bought online?

A bicycle. It makes a nice ornament in the kitchen in the current climate.

What was the funniest piece of spam you have received?

I’m sure it’s too offensive to repeat.