The story: “EP acts to discourage buy-to-let investors” - 8 June 2007

What you thought

Ashley Gregory As most buy-to-let landlords source two-bed flats, I fail to see how this will affect first-time buyers.

However, many purpose-built estates in London do tend to be used by local authorities and the National Asylum Support Service for the placement of families. If you own your property or pay your own rent, you look after it. When you don’t contribute to the rent … well I’ll leave that to your thought process.

Gavin I think it will help. The buy-to-let brigade are buying up all the new flats built leading to a shortage of housing for first-time buyers and pushing prices further. What right do they have to stop my generation and future generations buying a home? It is pure greed.

David Marsden In response to A Gregory. Many large housebuilders are now building houses and apartments to sell to investers and landlords, and advertise their properties on the large billboards in front of their sites. It would be good to see property prices fall so first-time buyers could buy homes to live in and raise families. Not everyone wants a property as an investment. We need affordable homes so first-time buyers and every one else can afford a roof over their heads and not have to pay extortionate rent.

A Gregory In response to D Marsden. If someone has something to sell, that person can take it to the marketplace and offer it for sale. If he asks to much, nobody will buy it.

What right does anyone have to say who you should sell your product to and at what price?

If the goverment wishes to buy these developments then they can be subsidised for sale to the less well off, not forgetting that whatever the goverment spends in subsidy, or not, is raised from who? You, my dear friend the TAXPAYER.

David Marsden In response to A Gregory. That sounds good. Then the people working their guts out for £5.20 per hour would be able to buy a home.
