Firm still mulling how much space it needs at London HQ

Aecom is introducing a series of sustainability measures in the coming months to help it reach a net-zero target by 2030.

The firm made the announcement as part of its Sustainable Legacies initiative, which will see it target environmental, social and governance improvements.

Aecom aecom offices hufton+crow 008

Source: Hufton + Crow

Aecom moved into its Aldgate Tower office five years ago

It said it wants to cut business travel in half, decarbonise its vehicle fleet, switch to renewable energy tariffs and consider carbon emissions when it chooses suppliers.

The firm is still reviewing how much office space it will need at its London headquarters Aldgate Tower in the wake of the pandemic.

Designed by Wilkinson Eyre, it moved in in 2016 after more than a dozen years at MidCity Place in Holborn, the former home of Davis Langdon which it bought for £200m over a decade ago.

Aecom has room for around 1,000 staff across the four-and-a-half floors it rents at the building on the City fringe with other tenants including food delivery and taxi app firm Uber and shared office provider WeWork.

A spokesperson said the review was ongoing and added: “After well over a year of working from home, we have proven that we can work efficiently in a digital environment, not only benefitting from the reduction in business travel but also benefitting from the flexibility this new way of working brings to our teams.”

Aecom has also set a target of women making up 20% of its senior leaders and 35% of its overall workforce in the next few years.
