Kent-based contractor Kingswood Construction has landed 13 contracts worth £4.25m, including fit-out and refurbishment projects for the Victoria & Albert Museum and Scottish Widows.
Amey lands £90m road deal
Support specialists group Amey and its partner Mouchel have won a £90m contract from the Highways Agency to service roads in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire.
£15m schools contract for BDP
Claruspcm, the joint venture formed by architect Building Design Partnership and project manager PCM, has been awarded a £15m contract by Hull council to project manage the Endeavour High School.
The council has also awarded a £6.7m design-and-build contract for an engineering workshop to Wates.
Morrison to work for Wimpey
Morrison Construction has secured two design-and-build contracts worth £16m from Wimpey Homes for developments in London Docklands and Uxbridge, west London. The architect for both schemes is Tibbalds TM2.
K&G wins £2.4m refurb
Contractor Killby & Gayford has won a £2.4m contract to refurbish the offices of banking group HBOS at Old Broad Street and Bishopsgate in central London.
Fitzpatrick lands £15.4m job
Fitzpatrick Contractors has won a design-and-build contract for the £15.4m refurbishment of the southbound part of the Blackwall Tunnel in east London.
Wiggins secures school deal
Wiggins Gee Construction has landed a £3.5m contract to provide a swimming pool and art block for a school in Notting Hill, west London. The client is the Girls' Day School Trust.
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