The move follows last week’s votes in Glasgow and Birmingham. Tenants in Glasgow voted in favour of the transfer of more than 83,000 council homes to the Glasgow Housing Association. However, in Birmingham a large majority voted to remain with the council.
In Liverpool, the “yes” vote means the homes will be transferred to Berrybridge Housing Association, Lee Valley Housing Association and Cobalt Housing.
In the north-eastern fringe of Liverpool, 3468 tenants – 66.4% of those who voted – voted to transfer to Cobalt Housing, with a turnout of 65%.
In the central area, 2429 tenants – 87.8% of the turnout – voted to transfer to Berrybridge Housing Association, with a 65.6% turnout.
And in the southern area, 1823 tenants – 78.5% – voted to transfer to Lee Valley Housing Association, with a turnout of 68.2%.
The votes in favour of housing association control in Liverpool and Glasgow will dent construction union UCATT’s call for the government to re-examine housing stock transfers. The union made the plea after 67% of tenants in Birmingham voted to remain with the council.
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