UK construction output is set to match the European average for the next three years, but some sectors will perform better than others, according to forecaster Euroconstruct.

At Euroconstruct’s conference in Cambridge last week, the association of forecasters unveiled figures that showed the UK ahead of the European average for residential work but behind on non-residential work and civil engineering repair and maintenance.

Euroconstruct also said the Irish building boom of recent years was set to continue, albeit at a slower rate. After 13.3% output growth last year, the Irish industry will grow 11.4% this year and 5.2% and 3.8% in 2001 and 2002 respectively.

The worst performing countries are expected to be The Netherlands and Denmark. Denmark’s output will fall 1.9% this year. In The Netherlands, a 0.1% output fall is forecast for 2001, despite a 3.3% rise this year.