BSIA chief executive David Dickinson has again urged member companies in the manned security sector to grasp the implications of impending changes to the Working Time regulations.
Speaking exclusively to SMT, Dickinson said: "When the Working Time Directive was issued in 1998, that should have brought about an immediate and significant culture change in relation to working conditions, but commercial pressures have ensured this hasn't happened. In reality, the security companies have found it difficult to achieve the higher contract prices that will enable shorter working weeks and improved pay rates for their officers."

With Brussels due to review the legislation next year, Dickinson is mindful that the industry may lose the '12-hour night shift derogation' as well. "If that happens," stressed Dickinson, "then we estimate that manned security contracts will require up to 50% more staff, and as a consequence the cost of providing the service will rise by around 30%. End users will need to make budgetary provisions for that."

Dickinson is advising BSIA member companies not to enter into long-term contracts with 'inflation only' clauses, and to insist on exemption clauses that take effect in the event of a change to legislation or regulations.

A further impact for security companies will be the need to source more suitably qualified employees – perhaps from a different part of the labour market – by way of avoiding "serious staff shortages".

Dickinson added: "There will also be an increasing pressure for the use of more innovative technologies and security systems to counteract the predicted manpower shortfalls."