There is no simple answer to improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s existing housing stock, but it is important to take simple, practical measures that we know will make a demonstrable difference (“CPA blasts energy firms on insulation failure”, 20 February)

However, the government must play its part. If we are to take our environmental responsibilities seriously, it must throw its weight behind the Fuel Poverty Bill and the Green Energy Bill, currently going through the parliamentary process. This will strongly assist the UK in reducing its emissions.

Both bills will help a “sustainability industry” to take shape and will help to ensure that achieving higher standards of energy efficiency is affordable and that products can be rolled out on a national scale, while creating job opportunities for skilled workers.

The government must play its part if we are to take our environmental responsibilities seriously

Paul Roche

Twenty-five per cent of the UK’s carbon emissions come from our housing stock. The government needs to support both bills to help grasp the nettle of domestic energy efficiency now.

Paul Roche, director, SIG Sustainable Products
