Councils say plans to relax rules on home extensions will lead to “unsightly and out-of-place” developments

Nick Boles

The government’s plans to temporarily relax rules on building home extensions will not deliver enough of a boost the construction industry to justify such a move, the Local Government Association has said.

The proposals, set out last month, aim to help the construction industry by relaxing permitted developments rights to allow property extensions of up to 8m without planning permission.

But the LGA, which represents more than 400 councils in England and Wales, warned the plans could result in “unsightly and out-of-place” developments and suggested town hall planners would block them.

The LGA’s Mike Jones said: “This policy potentially gives the green light to unsightly and out-of-place development without delivering a big enough boost to the construction industry to justify the potential damage.

“The planning process works to ensure development is suitable for a local area and doesn’t unduly impact neighbours.”

Planning minister Nick Boles (pictured) said: “The planning system needs to strike a balance between the rights of the homeowner and their neighbours.

“Our proposals will make it easier for thousands of hard-working families to undertake home improvements to cater for a growing family. It will also help generate new business for local construction companies and small traders.”