LORD FOSTER gave his backing to the cause of urban regeneration in a speech to MPs last week, challenging fellow architects to increase density levels in brownfield sites.
Foster told the all-party group on architecture: "The implication of urban growth presents us with an inescapable need to build more densely in urban areas that are ripe for development."

Lord Foster, commenting on the movement back into cities, said: "We are based in Battersea; just consider how this area has improved over the last decade. It used to be a no-go area. Now it is sought after."

Foster agreed with Lord Rogers, head of the urban taskforce, that more social housing was needed to inject life into cities.

He said densities could be increased by creating mixed-use spaces and landmark buildings and highlighted the opportunities at the Elephant & Castle, whose development team includes his practice.

He said: "We have canvassed the views of the residents and they said they like living in high-rise buildings. What concerns them is that the surrounding area has the amenities they need and that transport systems are properly accessible."