Hackitt: Where do we go from here?


Source: Christopher Middleton / Alamy Stock Photo

Two years on from the Grenfell fire and a year after the resulting Hackitt report, the government is at last moving forward on strengthening the regulatory environment for construction. To assess the industry’s progress so far, Building carried out a survey ahead of its upcoming conference

Almost two years after the Grenfell Tower fire in which 72 people lost their lives, it is generally accepted that this tragic accident was at least partly the result of failings by the construction industry – yet the government has yet to state firm plans to prevent a recurrence. But now at last it is due to launch a consultation next month in the wake of the Hackitt review into fire safety commissioned in the wake of the fire, while the Steering Group on Competence is also imminently to publish its final recommendations on a new competence framework.

Meanwhile, eight housebuilders and contractors known as “early adopters” are currently trialling a number of Hackitt’s recommendations, including maintaining a digital record of a building’s make-up and ensuring workers are aware of their building safety responsibilities.

As Building prepares to host a conference on the topic, Implementing the Hackitt review: next steps forward, on 13 June in London – we surveyed readers to find out what steps their companies were taking to fall into line with the recommendations of Hackitt.

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