More millennium villages will be built in the future with commercial property owners playing a bigger role, Tony Blair announced this week.
"Our millennium villages already showcase the best in design. We want to see many more, and plans are under way for more competitions," the prime minister told a conference of community activists in Croydon, Surrey.

Jon Rouse, chief executive of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, welcomed the comments, saying: "We didn't realise the government wanted to expand the scale of the millennium village project and are pleased to hear it."

The millennium schemes used a public–private financing scheme and the design element was scrutinised by CABE. The commission also praised proposals for legislation to create business improvement districts. Rouse said this was good news for property developers: "They will give developers a stake in an area they might want to expand in."

These villages showcase the best in design. We want to see many more

Tony Blair

CABE also welcomed a £30m boost to the Home Zone scheme, which gives priority to walking and cycling over cars. Rouse said the creation of better-quality street environments would give retail developers more confidence to move into towns they had previously avoided.