Stephanie Canham
Stephanie Canham is national head of projects and construction at city, national and international law firm Trowers & Hamlins.
She is a non-contentious construction specialist, particularly amongst commercial and private sector developers, advising on procurement strategy, contractual arrangements and terms, and exit strategies.
Stephanie is a well-known speaker by invitation for developers and is a member of the specialist construction committee of the City of London Law Society.
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Decarbonisation: managing change
Stephanie Canham unpacks the contractual implications of the new heat and buildings strategy and the upcoming changes to Part L
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On being seen to be green – energy monitoring
The new London Plan requires building owners to verify and report on energy performance post-occupation – but how?
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Get CROSS and improve building safety
The new mandatory regime on building safety will be complemented by a voluntary scheme for industry-wide information sharing, implemented through expansion of the CROSS scheme
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Implementing the CLC Roadmap: a legal view
What legal enablers are required to deliver the Construction Leadership Council’s Roadmap to Recovery?
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Easy does it: low-cost dispute resolution
Several new services now available for resolving straightforward disputes revive adjudication’s original aims: reducing costs and simplifying procedure
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CIS and construction: Doing a double take on tax
Stephanie Canham explains the pitfalls of the CIS tax rules, whose scope extends far beyond what some may think
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Collateral warranties: Beware time bars
Any third party obtaining a collateral warranty (particularly if some time after completion) should note this recent decision
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No bar, black sheep: Construction Act adjudication prevails
Mistakes and omissions on payment or adjudication that fall foul of the Construction Act can be expensive
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Parent company guarantees: Unreasonable demands?
Parent company guarantees can provide some security for those contracting with a contractor in the event of the latter suffering cash flow problems
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Force majeure: Use with caution
Liability exclusion or force majeure clauses don’t always work as intended, so draft your contract carefully, says Stephanie Canham
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Are lenders becoming more confident about offsite?
Stephanie Canham considers the changing climate on funding issues for MMC and modular construction
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Smash and grab adjudications: what about insolvency?
A recent case may herald a move away from upholding ‘smash and grab’ adjudications where insolvency is a factor
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Adjudications: make an early reservation
When making a jurisdictional challenge in an adjudication, it pays to be quick off the mark
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Out of commission: dealing with disputes on oral contracts
How one dispute regarding oral contractual arrangements ended up before the Supreme Court
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Staged completion: It's just a phase
Stephanie Canham explains why staged completion must be handled with care
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Build safe, not sorry
Stephanie Canham examines how the revised Building Regulations to limit cladding material use will affect construction disputes
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Unravelling the intent
What happens if parties have created a contract as a result of an exchange of emails, but they have polar opposite views concerning the scope of works?
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Legal: specialist reports - easy to miss a trick
It’s vital that you can legally rely on specialist reports into issues such as rights of light or site conditions - so it’s even more vital that nothing is overlooked
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Legal: Pay it backwards
Stephanie Canham on draft legislation that will introduce a reverse VAT charge specifically for construction, to combat VAT fraud
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The Hackitt Report: all change?
The Hackitt Report calls for a “radical rethink” of the regulatory system. But will government support the findings, or will it just “cherry pick” the easy wins?