Architect Cole Thompson Anders selected to work on a project in Forest Gate, East London

A team including architect Cole Thompson Anders and Swan Housing is pressing ahead with a PFI regeneration project in East London. The scheme, for the London Borough of Newham, will create around one hundred new homes on infill sites just a few miles from the site of the 2012 Olympic Games.

As well as upgrading current housing to meet the Government’s ‘Decent Homes’ standard, the scheme also involves the creation of new homes, community facilities and environmental landscaping on a range of development sites in the area.

Swan Housing said it was committed to achieving high levels of design quality and sustainability in its new developments and refurbishment programmes. Cole Thompson Anders is working on projects that are targeting Code for Sustainable Homes level 4 and above for environmental performance. The company pioneered innovative solutions in housing, high rise towers, education and exposition buildings in the UK and overseas.

Housing work done by the practice includes environmental projects for Joseph Rowntree Foundation in York, for Bromford Housing Group in Wolverhampton, and for Swan Housing Group in Southend.

Work on the Forest Gate scheme is due to begin in June this year.